Review the plans, reports and studies that help govern Leduc County.
The Agricultural Strategy was adopted by council in 2016. It provides a general strategy for agriculture and land use planning in the county. As such, the Agricultural Strategy is one of the key drivers in shaping the Municipal Development Plan, the primary document that outlines our land-use strategy.
The Leduc County 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was adopted by Council on June 14, 2022. It is Council’s plan for its four-year term and details the areas council will focus on. Learn more about the Strategic Plan.
Council reports provide the public with a progress update on our various projects and programs. This reporting demonstrates our commitment to achieving positive results, and helps foster open, transparent communication.
An Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Strategy is a framework that is used to assess an organization’s business practices and performance on various sustainability and ethical issues.
Leduc County will:
Read Leduc County's ESG Strategy.
The Leduc County Economic Development and Growth Management Strategy was adopted by council in 2016. The economic climate of Leduc County is ever-changing and moves in response to a variety of internal and external forces. As a result, a comprehensive strategy needs to be developed in order to manage the forecast population and economic growth in the region. The county’s position in the wider Edmonton Metropolitan Region, as well as the high volume transportation corridors that run through it, makes the job of planning for growth and economic development especially challenging. A strong regional economy and dramatic population and employment growth created the need for this strategy.
The Community Peace Officer Performance Plan outlines the focus area for Leduc County's community peace officers for the year ahead.
The Leduc County Social Framework was adopted by council in 2019. It is a living document that will lead the services of Leduc County Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) and related social support services over the next 10 years. The Social Framework provides a path towards improved and efficient service provision in the multi-municipal service area that includes the municipalities of Leduc County, Town of Calmar, Town of Thorsby and Village of Warburg.
The Planning and Development department produce a variety of plans, reports and studies that guide our development and land use planning decisions. Our hierarchy chart details the relationship between the various plans.
The Blackmud Creek Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2004.
The Genesee Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2013.
The New Sarepta Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2013, significantly revised in 2019 and updated in 2024.
The Nisku Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 1981.
The Nisku Major Employment Centre (Nisku MEC) Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2021.
The Nisku West Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 1980.
The North of Kerr Cape, Pigeon Lake Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2002. Supporting documents include the following:
The North Pigeon Lake Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2010. Supporting documents include the following:
The South of Devon Industrial Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2015.
The Southern Country Residential Area Structure plan was adopted by Council on March 14, 2023.
The Wizard Lake Area Structure Plan was adopted by Council in 2010. Supporting documents include the following:
The Hamlet of Looma Community Concept Plan was adopted by council in 2013.
An intermunicipal collaboration framework (ICF) helps facilitate cooperation between neighbouring municipalities to ensure municipal services are provided in an effective and cost-efficient manner. ICFs reinforce existing relationships and formalize a process for municipalities to work together.
Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks are intended to:
An ICF must describe the services to be provided under it that benefit residents in more than one of the municipalities that are parties to the framework.
If municipalities are part of a growth management board, they were exempt from completing ICF’s with other members. Leduc County was a member of a growth management board, the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB). EMRB is dissolving effective April 1, 2025.
The Brazeau County/Leduc County ICF was approved by council in 2020.
The Beaver County/Leduc County ICF was approved by council in 2020.
An intermunicipal development plan (IDP) is a collaborative land use plan for lands of mutual interest between two or more municipalities. IDPs ensure that desired long-term growth and development occurs in an integrated and coordinated manner.
The City of Leduc/Leduc County Joint Sustainable Growth Study was adopted by council in 2008. Supporting documents include the following:
The Leduc County/Town of Calmar IDP was originally adopted by council in 2019, and was updated in 2023.
The Summer Villages of Itaska Beach, Sundance Beach and Golden Days/Leduc County IDP was adopted by council in 2024.
The Town of Devon/Leduc County IDP was adopted by council in 2015. Supporting documents include the following:
The Leduc County Land Use Bylaw was first adopted by council in 2008 and continues to be amended as needed. Learn more about development and planning.
The Local Area Structure Plan Terms of Reference details the purpose of and requirements for a local area structure plan.
The QEII Business Park Local Area Structure Plan was adopted by council in 2012 and amended in 2022. Supporting documents include the following:
The Royal Cubera Local Area Structure Plan was adopted by council in 2023. Supporting documents include the following:
The WAM Industrial Park Local Area Structure Plan was adopted by council in 2023. Supporting documents include the following:
The Leduc County Municipal Development Plan update was adopted by Council on Aug. 27, 2024. It is a high-level plan for the County’s future growth. It sets out a clear vision, goals, objectives and policies for development in the County over the next 30 years and beyond. The MDP provides a comprehensive long-term policy framework for future land use and identifying areas for current and future growth. This plan also contains policies for the protection of agriculture, economic development, investment in infrastructure and services, recreation and protection of environmentally significant areas.
Leduc County is diverse, bringing together prairie landscapes, rural communities, urban areas and economic growth. The updated plan will support growth and prosperity across all regions of the county by identifying and recognizing the county's unique assets and building upon them. It contains policy approaches to enhance opportunities within rural and urban areas, honoring the unique nature of each.
Supporting documents include the following:
The MDP includes direction to implement a program to track our progress and identify areas where the county is succeeding, and areas where we need to adjust our processes and policies. The MDP Monitoring Program will involve comparing the data from year-to-year and then reporting back to both council and the public on an annual basis.
The Outline Plan Terms of Reference details the purpose of and requirements for an outline plan.
The Churchill Meadows Outline Plan was adopted by council in 2015.
The Irvine Creek Outline Plan was adopted by council in 2017.
The Nisku Business Generator Park Outline Plan was adopted by council in 2014.
The Royal Oaks Outline Plan was adopted by council in 2011.
The Royal Woods Outline Plan was adopted by council in 2016.
The West Ridge Estates Outline Plan was adopted by council in 2018.
The Blackmud/Whitemud Creek Surface Water Management Study was delivered in 2017. This study developed a stormwater management strategy to accommodate future development in the basin, and informed the Intermunicipal Planning Framework.
The D.A. Westworth Environmental Study was adopted in 1990.
The Leduc County Environmentally Significant Areas (ESA) Study was adopted by council in 2015. This study inventoried all ESAs in Leduc County to inform the Municipal Development Plan.
The Investment Readiness and Implementation Strategy (IRIS) project aimed to create an implementation strategy that will provide clear direction for future growth and employment in crucial areas of rural development, agriculture, commercial and industrial growth within Leduc County. The report was presented to council in May 2021.
Related: Investment Readiness and Implementation Strategy - Land Use and Economic Area Analysis
This analysis provides updated Employment Growth Forecasts for Leduc County. The
forecasts are correlated to expectations of economic activity in the Edmonton region.
The Leduc County Regional Broadband Feasibility Study was adopted by council in 2010. It documented and analyzed the existing broadband provides and scope of available services, and recommends different approaches for dealing with various areas in Leduc County.
This analysis provides Updated Growth Forecasts for Leduc County to reflect the 2021 federal census data. The forecasts are correlated to expectations of economic activity in the Edmonton region.
The Leduc Wildlife Corridor Study was adopted by council in 2018. The City of Leduc and Leduc County evaluated the feasibility of creating a wildlife corridor and trail system between the east Shore of Telford Lake and the west Shore of Saunders Lake. A number of options for pedestrian crossing locations, pedestrian crossing infrastructure, and wildlife crossing infrastructure are identified and examined.
The Nisku Business Park Broadband Study was adopted by council in 2011. It documented and analyzed the existing broadband provides and scope of available services, and recommends different approaches for dealing with various areas in the Nisku Business Park.
The Nisku Wildlife Corridor Report was adopted by council in 2019. The report is the culmination of a two phase studio project partnership between the University of Alberta's School of Urban and Regional Planning and Leduc County.
The Pigeon Lake Wastewater Strategy and Master Plan Study was adopted by council in 2007. It provides an initial planning tool to gain public and stakeholder support of a long-term strategy enabling coordinated implementation.
The Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan was adopted by council in 2000. The purpose of the Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan is to develop a comprehensive, science-based strategy to coordinate action for the protection and improvement of Pigeon Lake, its shore lands and its watershed.
The Riparian Setback Matrix Model was adopted by council in 2010. It outlines the riparian setback recommendations for the Pigeon Lake and Wizard Lake area structure plans.
The Aerotropolis Viability Study (AVS) was adopted by council in 2015. The City of Leduc and Leduc County collaborated on this study, which is a comprehensive plan and feasibility study for the development of an Aerotropolis. This study assesses the viability of various land-uses and economic industries centered around EIA that would improve the seamless connections between air, ground, and rail and create new business through economic diversification that rely upon transportation connectivity.
The Annexation Agreement/Inter-Jurisdiction Cooperation Accord (Airport Accord) was adopted by council in 2017.
The Intermunicipal Planning Framework (IPF) is implemented through a memorandum of agreement between the member municipalities signed in 2020.
The 41 Avenue SW Functional Planning Study (Volume 1 and Volume 2 Appendices) was adopted in 2011. It was developed jointly with the City of Edmonton to plan for long-term roadway requirements of 41 Avenue SW.
The Nisku Spine Road Functional Planning Study was adopted by Council in 2006 and updated in 2008. These documents plan for the long-term roadway requirements of the Nisku Spine Road.
The Range Road 245 to 250 Functional Planning Study was adopted by Council in 2010.
The Township Road 510 Functional Planning Study was adopted by Council in 2009.
The Roadway Management System Report and appendices were adopted by Council in 2006. It developed a comprehensive inventory of the exiting roadway and bridge network and provided recommendations on the future projects and costs.
The Transportation Master Plan was adopted by Council in 2024. It details how Leduc County will address current and future transportation needs.
The Nisku Water Distribution System Analysis was adopted by Council in 2004. It analyzes the water distribution system in the Nisku Business Park to determine its ability to meet current and future demands.